Monday, November 16, 2009

A Reading List

I can recommend the following those who would like something of an education beyond what they might have been taught in school systems more inclined to indoctrination that the pursuit of truth, at least in terms of public affairs:

1) The Constitution and Declaration of Independence: To incline us to remember our founding principals.

2) The Federalist Papers: To help us remember that even those principals we hold most dear were a subject of debate.

3) The Prince - Niccolo Machiavelli: To remind us of how the foreign world works, and will treat us.

4) Shelby Foote's Civil War series, all 3 volumes: To recall the horror of a time we can hope to never revisit.

5) History of the English Speaking Peoples - Winston Churchill: To ground us in our cultural heritage.

6) The Lucifer Principle - Howard Bloom: a shocking reminder of just how human we are

7) The Peloponnesian War - Thyucidides: More reminders of just how men will act

8) Why We Fight - Bill Bennett: Moral clarity on why we ought to fight

9) The Case for Democracy - Natan Sharansky: even more moral clarity.

10 FM 21-76 Survival: USG field manual on surviving bad stuff, never bad to know.

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