Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Crats Hate Patriotism

Taking a lead off of one of the best updated blogs out there, Moonbattery (google it) I have new evidence that the 'crats don't just hate America, they hate patriotism too:


One of the cratactualar moonbats is quoted as saying that "nationalism is the egg that hatches fascism, and patriotism is the father of nationalism"

Now, let us return to our early sex ed classes shall we? If there is an egg, it must be fertilized... And the fertilizer of fascism is not Fox News, it is SOCIALISM. One would think if the crats were not such flaming morons they would avoid references to National SOCIALISM or the United SOCIALIST Soviet Republics.

Alas such is not the case, and for any thinking person, the crats foist themselves on their own petard. So apparently the patriotism that fostered fascism is wrong, which would naturally lead one to believe that once a country turns socialist, by the 'crats own standard patriotism is out the window.

I for one (for right or wrong) will always support my country, but the next time one of you socialist assholes tells me "not to talk about our president like that" (because you gave GW LOTS of respect....) think about this.... Are you the new brownshirts?

Since you probably don't know what that means, I can only recomend (in Latin) TOLE LEGE.


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